- How Artificial Intelligence is impacting I/O Psychology. COLPSIC – Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos. Bogotá. Colombia. Nov. 2023. COLPSIC.
- The Role of Psychology in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI): opportunities and risks. Madrid Psychological Association – COP Madrid. Nov. 2023. COP Madrid.
- Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Mental Health. ENIIT Big Data International Campus. Nov. 2023. ENIIT.
- Why do we need Data Translators? SegurCaixa Adeslas. Advanced Analytics. Nov. 2023. SegurCaixa Adeslas.
- Practical Workshop on AI applied to Psychology. Universidad Europea & Psicobótica. Psychology Postgrads. Mar. 2024. Universidad Europea.
Invited Talks 2022
- “The Replicated World”. Challenges for a new health management model II. IE University, Hospital La Paz, UCB. May. 2022. UCB.
- “Opportunities, Challenges and Threats of Artificial Intelligence”. FUTURO Inteligente 2022. Sngular. May. 2022. SNGULAR.
Invited Talks 2021
- “How AI can foster psychological well-being”. HEM 2021. Hoy Es Marketing. Nov. 2021. HEM Conference.
- “Emotional Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation”. II Jornadas de Inteligencia Emocional Aplicada y Psicología. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid. Mayo 2021. COP Madrid.
- “The Truth about Big Data”. Comité de Inclusión Digital. Grupo Social ONCE. Feb. 2021.
Invited Talks 2020
- “How Business is shaped by Artificial Intelligence”. International Exchange Alumni Meeting. Oct. 2020. ESIC.
- “Know the Psychology of your Target Audience through Artificial Intelligence”. AIB Inspirational 2020. Madrid. Oct. 2020. Inspirational 2020 [YouTube].
- “Artificial Intelligence applied to Psychological Well-Being”. Innovation Mapfre. Jun. 2020.
- “Discover the potential of Big Data and Data Science”. ESIC Open Day. Jun. 2020. ESIC.
- “Coffe for Everyone. Emotional Responsability”. Instituto Europeo de Inteligencia Emocional. Apr. 2020. IEIE.
- “Discover the Potential of Big Data and Data Science”. Madrid. Apr. 2020. Esic Tech.
- “My psychologist is an AI”. Pie & AI Madrid. Deeplearning.ai. Feb. 2020. Deeplearning.ai.
- “Digital Talent Management”. DHR Index 2019 Report. Feb. 2020. CEU Institute for Advanced Management.
- “From Descriptive Analysis to Artificial Intelligence”. AEGON Analytics Day. Jan. 2020. AEGON Seguros.
Invited Talks 2019
- “Artificial Intelligence. Promises, realities, risks and opportunities”. Sanitas AI Meetup. Dec. 2019. SANITAS.
- “Fighting Online Harassment with State-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence”.Big Things – Data & AI Conference. Madrid. Nov. 2019. BIG THINGS. [Session Video].
- “Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. A New Challenge in Psychology”. Science Week. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid. Nov. 2019. COP.
- “And Machines will Rule the World: Challenges, Promises and Disillusions from AI”. Science Week. UNED. Escuelas Pías. Nov. 2019. UNED.
Big Things – Data & AI Conference – 2019
- “From Big Data to Artificial Intelligence”. Digital Technology Workshop. ESIC. Nov. 2019. ICEMD.
- “Big Data in the Health Care Industry”. Pfizer eHealthfest. Madrid. Oct. 2019. Pfizer.
- “Serendeepia Research: AI Start-Up”. AI Saturdays Madrid. Oct. 2019. AI Saturdays.
- “Using AI to Develop Intelligent Business Models”. Club Matador. Madrid. Oct. 2019. Club Matador.
- “Become the Next Big Player”. Google Campus. Madrid. Sep. 2019. Google for Startups.
- “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Parents and Children”. The Valley DBS. Madrid. May. 2019. The Valley.
- “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in your business model”. APD Canarias. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. May. 2019. Canarias 7. APD.
- “Myths and Realities of Artificial Intelligence Applied to Business”. Insur Space Mapfre. Madrid. Jan. 2019. Spaces Madrid Rio.
- “Coaching for Data Scientists”. IE Business School – V Garden. Madrid. Jan. 2019. The Data Science MeetUp.
Invited Talks 2018
- “AI in Business: A Short Term Vision”. Digital & Beers Madrid. S|NGULAR. Madrid. Dec. 2018. MeetUp.
- “Human-Robot Augmentation. From sensorimotor extension to extended intelligence”. Workshop of Physical Agents”. Madrid. Nov. 2018. WAF2018.
- “Artificial Intelligence. The Best or the Worst for Society”. 5º Congreso Nacional de Directivos. APD. Barcelona. Nov 2018. APD.
APD Barcelona 2018
- “Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Services as new business model generators in the digital ecosystems”. eCommerce Summit Colombia. Cámara Colombiana de Comercio Electrónico. Bogotá. Oct. 2018. eCommerce Summit Colombia.
- “Big Data: how to better know customers in national and international markets”. Brand 4.0. Leading Brands of Spain Forum. Madrid. Oct. 2018. Brands of Spain.
- “Cases of Deep Learning that you wouldn’t imagine by Serendeepia”. Correos Innovation Labs. Madrid. Sep 2018. Correos Labs.
- “AI in Business: The Reality”. Jornada Explore. Jun 2018. The Place.
- “The dark side of the algorithms”. Human Tech Debates. The Place Club. Jun 2018. The Place.
- Artificial Intelligence Chapter Meeting. Accenture. Madrid. Mar. 2018. Accenture.
- Innovation in Artificial Intelligence. Jornadas de Gestión de la Innovación TIC. Zaragoza. Mar. 2018. Universidad de Zaragoza.
- Tech 4 Change. AI applications in the social field. IE Business School. Mar. 2018. IE Business School.
- How Big Data is used to build Brand Engagement. CSMDay. Cuatrecasas. Jan. 2018.
Invited Talks 2017
- “Limits of Artificial Intelligence”. Ethical challenges of the future seminar. Universidad CEU San Pablo. Facultad de Humanidades y CC de la Comunicación. Dec. 2017. CEU.
- Business Models based on Intelligence Services Automation. Digital Business Summit. Fundación CCM. Dec. 2017.

- Big Data as the Key to New Business Strategies and Oportunities. Big Data Congress Valencia. Nov. 2017.
- From Big Data Analytics to Customer Empathy Automation. eShow Madrid 2017. Oct. 2017. [eShow].
- A New Neuromarketing is Coming with the Cognitive Data Scientist. Madrid School of Marketing. Oct. 2017. [MSMK].
- Cognitive Analytics: A New Kind of Algorithms? ETS. Asset Management Factory. Sep. 2017. [ETS].
- Trends in Retail and Digital Transformation. Big Data and IoT in the Point of Sale. Round Table. Nielsen. Sep. 2017.
- The light and shadows of Machine Learning Business Applications. Workshop. MBIT School. Sep. 2017. [MBIT] [Youtube].
- Towards the Integration of Human and Artificial Minds. Google Campus. City.AI Madrid. Sep. 2017. [City.AI].
- Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Services in Digital Transformation Workshop. Madrid. Sep. 2017. [ESIC].
- AI LOVE U. Machine Consciousness. Madrid. Jul. 2017 [AI LOVE U 2017].
- Deep Learning – Cognitive Computing. Big Data Analytics Summit. Lima. Peru. Aug. 2017 [BDAS 2017].
- Technology in the Cognitive Era. IV Industrial Revolution. Summer School. Universidad de Zaragoza. Jaca. Jul. 2017. [DesafíosFuturo].
Big Data Analytics Summit Peru 2017
- Towards the IV Industrial Revolution. Future Scenarios offered by AI and Robotics. Summer School. University of Messina. Italy. Jul. 2017.
- Big Data and Advanced Analytics Workshop. Cámara de Comercio de Bilbao. Bilbao. Jul. 2017. [Cámarabilbao].
- Big Data. The brain of new organizations. Digital Tecnology for Business. Jun. 2017. [ESIC].
- Digital Transformation Think Tank. Asociación Española de Expertos en la Relación con Clientes. Apr. 2017. [AEERC].
- “Machine Consciousness and Extended Mind”. 1st Augmented Human Conference. Mar. 2017. [AHC17]
- “Big Data as an Opportunity to Develop an Innovative Mind”. Jornada en Innovación Digital. [ICEMD] Feb. 2017 [Youtube].
Invited Talks 2016
- EBE 2016. “Tell me you love me. From chatbots to the Cognitive Internet”. Seville. Nov. 2016. [EBE 2016].
- “Big Data Analytics for extreme personalization in Transportation, Packaging and Logistics”. Logistics, Empack and Packaging Innovations 2016 [Logistics 2016].
- Data Driven Marketing. “Intelligence Services for Direct Marketing”. Correos. Datadrivenmarketing.es. Madrid. Nov. 2016. [Youtube].
- Round Table. “Legal and Professional Aspects of Computer Science”. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos ETSISI. UPM. Oct. 2016.
- “Cognitive Computing”. Big Data at ICEMD. Oct. 2016. [Info].
- “Artificial Intelligence and Society”. Foro del Futuro Próximo (FFP) UPM. Sept 2016. futuroproximo.org. [Video].
- “Customer Intelligence Services in the Big Data Era”. Keynote Speech. Foro Tecnológico y Empresarial de Zaragoza. Jun. 2016. [Foro].
- “Frente al cambio permanezco, en el cambio me transformo”. Zinc Shower 2016. Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid. May. 2016 [Zinc Shower].
- I Conference Cycle on the Management of ICT Innovation. May. 2016 [Unizar].
Machine Learning Spain talk at Google Campus
- Big Data Day. Cognitive Computing. Feb. 2016. ESIC [Youtube].
- Big Data. Trends and opportunities. Feb. 2016 [ICEMD].
- Artificial Cognitive Systems. When Learning is not enough. X Machine Learning Spain. GoogleCampus Madrid. Jan. 2016. [MLE] [Google Campus Madrid] [Youtube].
Invited Talks 2015
- Cognitive Computing. Master in Research and Innovation in ICT. UAM – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Dic. 2015. [UAM].
- Machine Learning. Degree in Computer Science. UAM – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Dic. 2015. [UAM].
- Invited lecture. Master in Business Analytics and Big Data. IE Business School. Dec. 2015. [IE Business School].

- Invited Webinar. Transforming data into opportunities .CEO Data Mining. ICEMD. Oct. 2015. [ICEMD].
- Big Data in Telecom & Media. Orange Summer School. Orange Campus. Jul. 2015.
- Interviewing Skills and Careers in Big Data Analytics. Master in Business Analytics and Big Data. IE Business School. Jul. 2015. [IE Business School].
- Roundtable – Employment in Digital Industry. U-tad Open Day. Jun 2015.
- Workshop Digital Trends. “Workshop Big Data”. OMExpo 2015. May 2015. [OMExpo].
- Higher Programme in Retail Marketing. “Big Data Analytics in Marketing”. ESIC. Madrid. Apr. 2015. [ESIC].

- Big Data Science Executive Master. “IoT Analytics”. MBIT School. Madrid. Mar. 2015.
- Lifelong Learning Workshop at ICEMD (ESIC). Big Data and Business Analytics. Madrid. Mar. 2015. [ICEMD].
- Workshop “Business Analytics & Insights: ¿Big Data or Small Data?”. Altran Madrid. Altran Barcelona. Jan. 2015.
Invited Talks 2014
- Executive MBI “Big Data Open Source Ecosystems and Service Delivery Models”. MBIT School. Madrid. Oct. 2014.
- IEEE CIG 2014. “Human-Like Bots Competition (BotPrize 2014)”. Competitions Session. Aug. 2014. [IEEE CIG 2014]
- UCM. Escuela Complutense de Verano. “Integrating BI-DW & Big Data”. Jul. 2014. [UCM Verano].
- Mind and Cognition Workshop: current approaches. Teruel Summer University. “The Psychopathology of Artificial Minds”. Calanda. Jul. 2014. [Fundación Mindán Manero].
Mind and Cognition Workshop: current approaches. Teruel Summer University. 2014.
- DatacenterDynamics Converged Madrid 2014. “Challenges of Big Data for Data Centers”. June. 2014. [DCD Converged].
- Day of the Book. UC3M. “Los trastornos mentales en el cine y la literatura. Mitos y Realidad”. Apr. 2014.
- ExpoCloud. EuroCloud Spain. “Cloud and Big Data: The New Integration”. Mar. 2014.
- Aula Forum. Ifema. Madrid. “Nuevas Tecnologías de Interacción Hombre-Máquina y su Explotación Comercial”. Feb. 2014.
Invited Talks 2013
- Universidad de Zaragoza. Computer Science Dpt. Cognitive Systems. “Introduction to Basic Psychological Processes and Application in Artificial Cognitive Systems”. May 2013.
- T3chFest. UC3M. Madrid. “The Cognitive Approach and Extended Mind in Human-Computer Interaction”. Feb 2013. [Link] [Youtube].
- BUDA Kunstencentrum. Kortrijk. “Consciousness, Machines and Reality”. Jan 2013. [Link].
Invited Talks 2012
- Livingroom Festival Madrid. “Sólo porque lo sientas, no quiere decir que exista. Diálogos desde un Universo Paralelo”. Dec. 2012.
- CASSIDIAN. EADS Defense & Security. “Advanced Human-Computer Interaction: The Intelligent Ground Control Station”. Nov. 2012.
- Retecog Summer School. Tutorial “Introduction to Machine Consciousness”. June 2012. [Link].
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Computer Science Research Seminars. “Practical Applications of Machine Consciousness”. May 2012. [Link].
- The British Embassy in Madrid. “Tasty Talk on Artificial Intelligence”. May 2012.
- III Day of the Book. UC3M. Espacio Estudiantes. “¿Cómo viaja la mente a un mundo de ficción”. Apr 2012. [Link].
- Polytechnic University of Madrid. UPM. Aslab. “Virtual Worlds for Machine Consciousness Research”. Aprl 2012.
- IES Alpajés. Seminar: Application of Technology to Natural Sciences (Artificial Consciousness). Feb 2012. [Link].
Invited Talks 2011
- Coloquio de Divulgación Científica La BIOthèque. “¿Quieres vivir para siempre? Transfiere tu mente a un ordenador”. Dec 2011. [Link].
- Congreso para el Instituto de Iniciativas Empresariales y EF “Conde de Campomanes”. Technological Enterpreneurship in the University. “A Successful Business Idea”. Nov 2011. [Link].
- Instituto Cervantes. Ciencia con Ñ: “Inteligencia Artificial: ¿ciencia ficción o realidad?”. Nov 2011 [Link] [Video].
Inteligencia Artificial: ¿ciencia ficción o realidad? Instituto Cervantes. 2011.
- Open Green. Espacio Aula EOI. SIMO Network 2011. “Conciencia Artificial y Juegos Serios”. Oct 2011 [Link SIMO] [Link EOI] [Video] [Interview].
- SIMO Network 2011. Team Building Madri+d. Oct 2011 [Link].
- National Museum of Science and Technology (MUNCYT). III Finde Científico. “Measuring consciousness in humans, animals and machines”. May 2011. [Pics].
- Cajal Institute – CSIC. Cognitive Robotics seminar at the UAM Neuroscience Master’s course on “Modeling and analysing neuroscience data”. May 2011.
- Complutense University of Madrid. School of Informatics – GRASIA! Talks. “El uso de arquitecturas cognitivas artificiales para entender y simular la conciencia”. April 2011.
- Imaginatica 2011. University of Seville. “Conciencia Artificial en Videojuegos: diseñando máquinas más humanas”. March 2011. [Link].
Invited Talks up to 2010
- X Semana de la Ciencia. UC3M. “Midiendo el Nivel de Conciencia en Humanos, Animales y Máquinas”. November 2010.
- University of Zaragoza. Computer Science Master programme invited lecture. “La Conciencia Artificial como tecnología para el desarrollo de personajes sintéticos más reales”. October 2010.
- University of Zaragoza. Advanced Computer Graphics Group. Invited seminar lecture. “Hacia una nueva generación de personajes sintéticos artificiales”. October 2010.
IX Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid. FNAC Parquesur. 2009.
- Day of the Book 2010. UC3M. Madrid. Conference “La Conciencia Artificial en la Ciencia Ficción y en la Investigación Científica”. 15 April 2010.
- Teaching Enrichment Program for Gifted Students. D.A.T. Madrid Norte. “Inteligencia Artificial. Máquinas del Futuro”. March 2010.
- Student Residence Fernando Abril Martorell. UC3M. Leganés. Madrid. “Transhumanismo, ¿la idea más peligrosa del mundo?”. December 2009.
- IX Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid. FNAC Parquesur. La Singularidad. ¿Podrían los Robots Conquistar el Mundo? November 2009.
- VIII Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid. Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Conciencia Artificial y Robótica Cognitiva. November 2008.
Nokia Workshop on Machine Consciousness 2008
- Nokia Workshop on Machine Consciousness 2008. Nokia Research Center. Helsinki. Finland. ConsScale: A Plausible Test for Machine Consciousness? August 2008.
- 3rd Computer Science Symposium at UEM (European University of Madrid). Machine Consciousness and Cognitive Robotics. November 2007.