Raúl Arrabales Moreno

Cognitive Neuroscience – Artificial Intelligence – Machine Consciousness

Category: Artificial Intelligence

CALL FOR PAPERS: Enaction: Challenges and Successes We are pleased to announce the AISB symposium “Enaction: Challenges and Successes” to take place during the AISB Annual Convention 2013, Univ. Exeter, UK, April 2-5th, 2013.   http://emps.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/research/aisb/   Enaction represents one…

II Workshop ReteCog on Interaction 2013   17-18th January, 2013 Zaragoza, Spain http://retecog2013.unizar.es Scope In the aftermath of Turing’s anniversary, who famously proposed an interactive test of intelligence, the Spanish Network of Research in Cognitive Science –ReteCog- has chosen “INTERACTION”…

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