Looks like Boston Dynamics is moving fast from quadripedal locomotion to the outstanding Atlas biped robot. In the Atlas the upper limbs are free and they are effectively used to carry and handle loads, and even opening doors! This new Atlas…
Category: Artificial Intelligence
Call for Competitors – BotPrize 2014 Competition A Turing test for Non-Player Characters in Video Games http://human-machine.unizar.es/ The 2014 BotPrize competition challenges programmers / researchers / hobbyists to create a bot for UT2004 (a first-person shooter) that can fool opponents into…
AGI 2013 – Artificial General Intelligence 2013 – Beijing, July 31 – Aug 3 2013: Call for Papers It is our great pleasure to remind you about the Sixth Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, which will be held in Beijing, China,…
EAIS 2012 2012 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems Deadline extended: February, 15. 2012. This EAIS Edition will be held in Madrid, Spain, between May 17-18, 2012. One of the important research challenges today is to develop new…
CALL FOR PAPERS: Enaction: Challenges and Successes We are pleased to announce the AISB symposium “Enaction: Challenges and Successes” to take place during the AISB Annual Convention 2013, Univ. Exeter, UK, April 2-5th, 2013. http://emps.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/research/aisb/ Enaction represents one…
Paper submissions and special session proposals are invited to the International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (http://sentic.net/bics ) to be held in Beijing next June. TIMEFRAME • February 1st, 2013: Due date for special session proposals • February…
conference session on General Intelligence in Embodied Agents, as part of an IEEE Symposium on Human-Level AI WHEN/WHERE : 15 Mon -19 Fri April 2013, Singapore PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 12 (12-12-12, midnight GMT), no further extensions Please…
II Workshop ReteCog on Interaction 2013 17-18th January, 2013 Zaragoza, Spain http://retecog2013.unizar.es Scope In the aftermath of Turing’s anniversary, who famously proposed an interactive test of intelligence, the Spanish Network of Research in Cognitive Science –ReteCog- has chosen “INTERACTION”…
ASSC16, Brighton, UK, July 02-06 2012 The 16th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness http://www.theassc.org/conferences/assc_16 We are delighted to announce that the 16th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will take place…
Searle on the Mind-Body Problem The following video is a short excerpt from an interview to John Searle about his book Intentionality and Minds, Brains and Science. Will computers ever achieve consciousness? John Searle, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy…