Raúl Arrabales Moreno

Cognitive Neuroscience – Artificial Intelligence – Machine Consciousness

BICS 2010. Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems Conference

{mosimage} BICS 2010: Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems Conference

Madrid, Spain, July 14-16, 2010
Ricardo Sanz, General Chair
Sponsored by ICSC

[Due to several requests, the submission deadline for BICS 2010 has been extended to: January 18, 2010] 

BICS 2010 is a multitrack conference organised around four strongly related symposia (NC 2010, BIS 2010, CNS 2010 and MoC 2010). The three previous BICS conferences were BICS 2008 (Sao Luis, Brasil), BICS 2006 (Lesbos, Greece) and BICS 2004 (Stirling, UK).

Conference Symposia

– Sixth International ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC 2010) Fifth International ICSC
– Symposium on Biologically Inspired Systems (BIS 2010).
– Fourth International ICSC Symposium on Cognitive Neuroscience (CNS 2010).
– Third International ICSC Symposium on Models of Consciousness (MoC 2010).


Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems – BICS 2010 aims to bring together leading scientists and engineers who use analytic and synthetic methods both to understand the astonishing processing properties of biological systems and, specifically those of the living brain, and to exploit such knowledge to advance engineering methods for building artificial systems with higher levels of cognitive competence.

BICS 2010 is a meeting point of cognitive systems engineers and brain scientists where cross-domain ideas are fostered in the hope of getting new emerging insights on the nature, operation and extractable capabilities of brains. This multiple approach is necessary because the progressively more accurate data about brains is producing a growing need of both a quantitative and theoretical understanding and an associated capacity to manipulate this data and translate it into engineering applications rooted in sound theories.

BICS 2010 is intended for both researchers that aim to build brain inspired systems with higher cognitive competences, and as well to life scientists who use and develop mathematical and engineering approaches for a better understanding of complex biological systems like the brain.

BICS 2010 is organized around four major interlaced focal symposia that are organized into patterns that encourage cross-fertilization across the symposia topics. This emphasizes the role of BICS as a major meeting point for researchers and practitioners in the areas of biological and artificial cognitive systems. Debates across disciplines will enrich researchers with complementary perspectives from diverse scientific fields.


Submission of contributions: November 30, 2009
Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2010
Final contributions due: April 30, 2010
Conference: July 14-16, 2010


The conference will be held at the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM ETSII).


Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2
28006 Madrid


lat=40.4404 lon=-3.6902

Conference Scope

Neural Computation (NC)

NeuroComputational (NC) Systems • NC Hybrid Systems • NC Learning • NC Control Systems • NC Signal Processing • NC Architectures • NC Devices • NC Perception and Pattern Classifiers • Support Vector Machines • Fuzzy or Neuro-Fuzzy Systems • Evolutionary Neural Networks • Biological Neural Network Models • NC Applications

Biologically Inspired Systems (BIS)

Brain Inspired (BI) Systems • BI Vision • BI Audition and sound processing • BI Other sensory modalities • BI Motion processing • BI Robotics • BI Adaptive and Control systems • BI Evolutionary systems • BI Oscillatory systems • BI Signal processing • BI Learning • Neuromorphic systems

Cognitive Neuroscience (CNS)

CN of vision • CN of non-vision sensory modalities • CN of volition • Systems Neuroscience • Attentional Mechanisms • Affective Systems • Language • Cortical Models • Sub-Cortical Models • Cerebellar Models • Neural correlates

Models of consciousness (MoC)

World awareness • Self-awareness • Imagination• Qualia models • Virtual Machine Approaches • Formal Models of Consciousness • Control Theoretical Models • Developmental/Infant Models • Will and Volition • Emotion and Affect Philosophical implications • Neurophysiological Grounding • Enactive approaches • Heterophenomenology • Analytic/Synthetic phenomenology

Program Committee

Jaime Gómez (Technical University of Madrid), Chair of the PC

Amir Hussain (University of Stirling, UK), NC Chair
Leslie Smith  (University of Stirling, UK), BIS Chair
Igor Aleksander (Imperial College, UK), CNS Chair
Antonio Chella (University of Palermo, UK), MoC Chair

David Gamez (Imperial College, London, UK)
Hugo Gravato Marques (University of Essex, UK)
Alexei Samsonovich (George Mason University, VA, USA)
Raul Arrabales (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain)
Pentti Haikonen (University of Illinois, Springfield, IL, USA)
Tom Ziemke (University of Skövde, Sweden)
David Balduzzi (University of Wisconsin, WI, USA)
Riccardo Manzotti (IULM, Milan, Italy)
James Albus (George Mason University, VA, USA)
James Austin (Cybula Ltd, UK)
Giacomo Indiveri (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Alister Hamilton (University of Edinburgh, UK)
F. Claire Rind (Newcastle University, UK)
Sue Denham (University of Plymouth, UK)
Philip Hafliger (University of Oslo, Norway)
David Windridge (University of Surrey, UK)
Luis Rocha (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
Shun-ichi Amari (RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan)
Jose C. Principe (University of Florida, USA)
Professor Ron Sun (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Anil K Seth (University of Sussex, UK)
Bernard Widrow (Stanford University, USA)
Stephen Grossberg (Boston University, USA)
Umamaheshwari Ramamurthy (University of Memphis, TN, USA)
Hans-Heinrich Bothe (Technical University of Denmark Lyngby, Denmark)
Marcilio Souto (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
Irene Macaluso (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
Will Browne (University of Reading, UK)
Petros A. M. Gelepithis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)


Organizing Committee

Ramon Galán, Chair of the OC

Carlos Hernández
Iñaki Navarro
Manuel Rodríguez
Pascual Campoy
Paloma de la Puente
Adolfo Hernando
Miguel Olivares
Guadalupe Sánchez


General requests: info@bicsconference.org
Organization committee: oc@bicsconference.org
Program committee: pc@bicsconference.org

Conference website: www.bicsconference.org
Conference mailist: http://lists.aslab.upm.es/mailman/listinfo/bics

Raúl Arrabales

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